Scientific circle
Responsible Dr. St.Med,Conf.Univ Postolachi Alexandru, Room 102A, email alexandru.postolachi.usmf.md
The activity plan of the Student Scientific Circle
at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry "Ilarion Postolachi"
per year 2022-2023
Research topics:
1.Particularities of tooth preparation for all-cast metallic crown-root devices". 2.“Glass fibers in the restoration of coronal odontal lesions. The advantages and disadvantages of the method". 3."Digital microscopic study of the tooth prepared under the covering crown". 4."Clinical peculiarities of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in adults". (D. Rusu, year 4). 5."Coronary reconstruction by the application of fully cast metal crown-root devices (CRDs)". (st. V. Marinov, year 4) 6."The anatomical-morphological structure of the articular condyles and jaws in patients with defects of the dental arches on digital orthopantomograms". (st. Lisnic Iana, year 4).
Materials for scientific study:
Collection and analysis of literature on the given topic.
2. Arguing the relevance of the topic.
3. Preparation of extracted teeth, for medical reasons, for preparation.
4. Preparation of a literary review on the topic of the research.
5. Participation in annual scientific-practical conferences: MedEspera and University Days of USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu".
6. Publication of study results.
În limba romănă
1. Postolachi I. și colab. Protetica Dentară. Ed. Știința, Chișinau. 1993. 446p.
2. Bârsa Gh., Postolachi I. Tehnici de confecționare a protezelor dentare. Ed. Știința, Chișinau. 1994. 398p.
3. Romînu M., Bratu D., Uram-Țuculescu S., Muntean M., Fabricky M., și alt. (sub red. Prof. dr. Dorin Bratu). Aparatul dento-maxilar. Date de morfologie funcțională clinică. Ed.
4. Mititeanu C. Protezarea afecțiunilor coroanelor dentare (microproteze). Curs pentru stud. an. III stomatologie. Tipografia U.M.F. Cluj-Napoca. 1996. 290p.
5. Drăghici Gh. Leziuni coronare. Ghid de practică stomatologică. Ed. EX PONTO. Constanța. 1997. 312p.
6. Prelipceanu F., Doroga O. Protetica Dentară. Ed. Didactică și pedagogică. București. 1985. 364p.
În limba rusă
7. Бушан М. Г., Каламкаров Х. А. Осложнения при зубном протезировании и их профилактика. 2-е изд., доп. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1983, 304 с.
8. Постолаки А. И. Клинические аспекты реставрации боковых зубов и окклюзии. Монография. Кишинев, 2012. 495 с.
9. Рогожников Г. И. и соавт. Реставрация твердых тканей зубов вкладками. М.: Изl-во «Медицинская книга». 2002. 150 с.
10. Скрыль А. В. Повышение эффективности восстановления коронки зуба штифтовыми конструкциями. Автореф. дис. канд. мед. наук. Ставрополь, 2002. 21 c.
11. Наумович С. А. Штифтовые конструкции и системы для ортопедического лечения дефектов коронок зубов: учеб.-метод. пособие / С. А. Наумович [и др.] / Минск : БГМУ, 2010. 51 с.
12. Шураев А. А., Бадрутдинов М. М. Вкладки для восстановления анатомической формы зубов как альтернатива пломбировочным композитам // БМИК. 2017. №9. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/
În limba engleză
13. Duminil G., Laplanche O., Re J.-Ph., Carlier J.-Fr.. Occlusion Made Easy Espace. 2016. р 225.
14. Riquieri H., Riquieri R. Y. Dental Anatomy and Morphology. – 2019. 333 p.
15. Scot R., Irish J. Human Tooth Crown and Root Morphology: The Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System. Ed. Cambridge University Press. 2017
16. Scheid R., Weiss G. Woelfels Dental Anatomy Its Relevance to Dentistry Ed. 9 Lippincott Williams & Wilki. 2016. 548 p.
17. Okeson J. P. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 500 p.
18. Robbins J. W., Rouse J. S. Global Diagnosis: A New Vision of Dental Diagno-sis and Treatment. Ed. Quintessence Publishing Co. 2016. 245 p.
19. Eckert S., Klineberg I. Functional Occlusion in Restorative Dentistry and Pros-thodontics. Ed. Elsevier Health Sciences UK, Mosby. 2015. 259 p.